
Showing posts from 2017

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A Graceful Exit

Doing the math before you pop the question

What do we have in common?

A message to myself

Driving the Conversation - Setting your course and staying on track

the other 94 things - focus vs multitasking

Creating Agreement - Even when you disagree

Yes, actually I did fall off the planet

Charisma and your power of attraction

Can we change other people or not?

Monday Mentoring 10-16-17 Tools - simple and remarkable

How does a busy mom with a young family stay focused and inspired?

Networking vs Marketing

If you missed the podcast on Monday

Structuring Your Plan of Action - today Noon ET

the emotion of money

Monday Mentor podcast from today! All about Step 3 - Resources

Resources - Step 3

The NEW Monday Mentor Call and weekly update page!!